Youth Contest


Youth Contest *

In addition to Youth Awards, as listed in the GCM Awards page, The Garden Clubs of Mississippi also sponsors four youth contests.  Three are linked to National Garden Clubs, and state winners can compete at the national level.  One contest exists only at the state level.  All deadlines are December 1, except for the poster contest, which is January 25.

The contest at the state level is:

  • High School Essay Contest:  The High School Essay Contest is open to high school students in grades 9 through 12.  Each year a theme is chosen, and students must write an essay to interpret the theme that is 600 to 700 words in length.  The state winner receives a$100 cash award.  Essay Contest click this link. Essay Contest Chairperson is Sandra Hultz | by December 1, 2024.

    The three contests eligible to compete at the national level include:

  • GCM Poetry Contest: Kindergarten through twelfth grade students are invited to participate in the NGC Poetry Contest.  Each year a theme is chosen and clubs can submit one poem per grade to compete at the state level.  To see the official NGC Poetry Contest click this link. GCM Poetry Contest Chairperson is Mary Anne Sumrall |

  • Smokey Bear Woodsy Owl Poster ContestFirst through fifth grade students can participate in the NGC Poster Contest with drawings of either Smokey Bear or Woodsy Owl.  The most important thing to remember about this contest is that the poster must be on paper that is 11x17 inches.  To see the official Smokey Bear Woodsy Owl Poster Information click this link. GCM Poster Contest Chairperson is Allison Ashmore.

  • GCM Youth Recycled Sculpture Contest:  Children in grades four through eight are eligible to enter this contest, which is designed to encourage youth to recycle to keep our planet green.  Contest Chairperson is Charlene Louwerens |