GCM Scholarships
The Garden Clubs of Mississippi sponsors four scholarships for students at Mississippi State University.
The three undergraduate scholarships are:
· The Edward C. Martin Jr. Landscape Architecture Scholarship for an undergraduate student enrolled in that program.
· The Lester A. Estes Jr. Horticulture Scholarship for an undergraduate student enrolled in the horticulture program.
· The Imogene C. Triplett Forestry Scholarship for a student in the forestry program.
The GCM scholarship for graduate students in any of the above courses of study is:
The Freda W. Harrison Graduate Scholarship
For information or to nominate a worthy student, contact GCM Scholarship Chairperson Ann Chiles at anncoxchiles@gmail.com.
Deep South Scholarships
The Deep South Garden Clubs (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee) scholarship program offers financial aid to a qualified junior, senior, or graduate student (no PhD candidate) majoring in any garden or environmentally related subject and enrolled in any accredited college or university.
Two college scholarships are available annually, each in the amount of $3,500 (previous academic year’s amount). The amount for each academic year will be determined and posted on the Deep South Garden Clubs website deepsouthgardenclubs.com.
Students in Mississippi must apply by February 1, 2023, to state scholarship chairman Ann Chiles. Find more information about applying on the Deep South website or contact Ann Chiles.
NGC Scholarships
The National Garden Clubs, Inc., offers scholarships to a qualified junior, senior, or graduate student (no PhD candidate) majoring in any garden or environmentally related subject and enrolled in any accredited college or university. Forty-one college scholarships are available annually, each in the amount of $4,000 (previous academic year’s amount) each. The number of scholarships and amount for the next academic year will be determined after October 1 and posted on the NGC website.
Students in Mississippi must apply by February 1 to state chairman Ann Chiles. Find further information about applying for an NGC scholarship, please use the link provided.