Socie’te’ Des Arbres
(Society of Trees)
The Société Des Arbres was founded in November 1971 by Ocean Springs, MS Garden Club member, Mrs. D. L. “Pat” Connor (Ethelyn M.) at Conamore 319 Lover’s Lane, Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Mr. Valney Cissna Jr., and Mr. Ralph Hode, of the Gulf Coast Regional Planning Commission assisted Mrs. Connor in organizing the Society.
Among the purposes of the organization are to preserve all species of trees which possess a living association with historical events of the area; conserve and protect trees and groups of trees which, by their existence, enhance the aesthetic and environmental values of the area; establish a permanent registry of such trees, citing their names, description and location; to declare all trees properly registered to be indigenous natural assets possessing intrinsic value worthy of area protection and other worthwhile reasons for the Society, promote the culture, distribution and appreciation of trees, promote interest in conservation and preservation of trees, promote fellowship among sponsors and members, and encourage participation by other sponsors and members with the final goal being that of national benefit.
The Société Des Arbres shall be sponsored by The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. Other Garden Clubs of the State and of the Nation may affiliate with the Society upon agreement to support the purposes of the association and to sponsor its activities in their respective areas. Permanent domicile of this association shall be Ocean Springs, Mississippi. The official and permanent registry of the Society shall be established and maintained in the archives of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc.
Single trunk trees, any variety, whose diameters are a minimum of thirty-six inches when measured four and a half feet above ground are eligible for registration. (36” diameter is representative of 100 years of age by the Society.)
Beautiful 11 by 14-inch Certificates bearing the Gold Seal of Société Des Arbres, suitable for framing, signed by the Founder of the Society and the Registrar-Historian, are issued to tree owners and or sponsors upon registration of the tree(s).
Founder: Mrs. D. L. “Pat” Connor (Ethelyn), Ocean Springs, MS
Chairman/Registrar: Mary Ann Westfall
Contact Information: Mary Ann Westfall