MSU Horticulture Summer Camp
The Horticulture Summer Camp on the Mississippi State campus is designed for high school students between 15 and 17 years old. The program is a three-day event during the second week of June. It invites students to experience horticulture and landscape design, giving the students experiences where Art and Science Intersect!
The camp covers subjects in landscape architecture, floriculture, floral design, nursery management, turf, vegetable production and fruit production.
Scholarships are available through GCM for the $200 fee, which covers:
· Three-night stay in the campus residence halls
· A meal card good at the Perry Cafeteria and union food court
· Fun programs and activities
· Field trips to a local orchard and a vegetable farm
· Evening entertainment (movie…)
· Final Awards Luncheon (Guests/Parents invited $10 each)
See a high school counselor, agricultural teacher, local garden club member or the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Mississippi State University, for further details and additional application forms. Participants will be limited to the first 30 students.
The MSU Horticulture Summer Camp has been canceled for 2024.
The camp is sponsored by The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, and the Department of Landscape Architecture at Mississippi State University.
For more information, email kathy.johnson@msstate.edu.
To make a club donation by the March 1 deadline, you may also contact the GCM chairperson Elaine Thompson | jimlaine@bellsouth.net.