Botanic Gardens/Crosby Arboretum
The Crosby Arboretum is a nationally renowned 64-acre public garden in Picayune with three miles of walking trails and featuring the Pinecote Pavilion by architect E. Fay Jones, designated a Mississippi Landmark. In fiscal year 2016-2017, due to shortfalls in State tax collections, the Arboretum did not receive its annual operating budget from the University. For that fiscal year and the following, it was necessary for the Arboretum to exhaust all accumulated funds for staff salaries and annual operations, which were intended to support the construction of an education building.
Due to continued budget concerns, the Arboretum was one of four University facilities that was directed to become self-supporting. Salaries for the three full-time positions (director, business coordinator, and grounds manager) were reinstated in 2018, and the University will share in the funding of an events coordinator beginning March 1, 2023, however, the garden remains self-supporting.
As the Arboretum opened to the public in 1986, due to its age, the site is in need of repairs. The Visitor Center is a 32-year-old modular building that has surpassed the end of its useful life. Other wooden site structures are deteriorating, such as the bridges and fences designed by architect E. Fay Jones that visually compliment the Pinecote Pavilion.
For the past four years, the garden has propagated and grown hard-to-find native plants with the assistance of Arboretum volunteers and the Mississippi Master Gardeners. Profit from plant sales generates operating funds, as does revenue generated from programs, membership, and admission fees, member donations, and gift shop sales. Through community and member support, Crosby Arboretum strives to carry out its mission for educating the public about their natural environment, the region’s native plants, and making wise choices to create sustainable home landscapes that will increase local biodiversity and contribute to healthier watersheds. The Arboretum is open Wednesday through Sunday from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm. You can find more information about the arboretum at their website.
For further information or to make a club donation by the March 1 deadline, please contact Darlene Underwood at darlene.underwood@att.net